Sunday, April 10, 2011

Six months.

Can you believe I've been married for SIX MONTHS already!!! I think its super crazy that its been that long. I feel like I've known him much longer then I have. I keep thinking about how we first met. If you can't remember your more then welcome to read about it here. He is the reason why I believe in soul mates.

The number one thing people ask us when they see us is, "How is married life." Dale and I have talked about it and we aren't really sure how to answer it. As weird as it is to say this, it doesn't feel like we are married. Nothing has really changed except for the marriage "perks." I'm sure we all know what I'm talking about. Marriage life has been great I feel like I'm married to my best friend and I love that I get to spend so much time with him. Of course there has been some minor adjustments and things that we have had to get use to but its been a great six months. I'm so in love with Dale and I fall more and more in love with him as time goes by.
Dale and I have been talking about it for a while about the things that we have learned about being married.

Here is what we came up with......

-Husband doesn't like cooking any more because he says he doesn't make it as good as I do.
(Makes me so happy that I found a new talent that I never thought I had)
-Showers are so much better with your husband.
-Husband is AMAZING and will go on EMERGENCY chocolate
-Husband uses all the toilet paper.
-When wife can't go to sleep she doesn't let her Husband go to sleep either. (Poor Husband)
-Husband and I are addicted to Dexter.
-Husband leaves trails of where he has been in the house.
-Wife always thinks she's pregnant when she isn't and went and bought an excessive amount of pregnancy tests. (All have come back negative so far)
-Wife gets so lonely when Husbands not around so they decided to get a baby. (Dog Evie)
-Husband is the best helper.
-Husband knows how to calm his wife when she is having a serious melt down.
-Wife has decided that Husband is the best adventure companion she could ever ask for.
-Husband and Wife made a super bucket list and we have actually scratched some major stuff off.
-Husband surprises his wife with a trip to London and Paris in September for their one year anniversary.

Life is good!


  1. Good work you two! I'm so excited for you guys to go to Europe! I know how much you've wanted to go, so it is PERFECT for you guys! Way to go Dale!

  2. You guys are such a cute couple!! I love that picture of your wedding day!! You looked gorgeous!!!

  3. And by perks you mean cleaning up those trails around your house right?
